Press quotes
The combination of those handcrafty artists from Hotel Modern and the musicians from the Netherlands Wind Ensemble is a dream come true. Together, they have created a cleverly constructed piece in which music brings the animal realm to life. (Trouw)
Hotel Modern ingeniously present a grand narrative on a small scale. […] And so we see again that their power lies in the ability to evoke disproportionately grand emotions from the most humble materials. (Volkskrant)
At various points throughout the piece, we see insects dancing beautifully choreographed steps to the evocative sound of the Netherlands Wind Ensemble. […] The brass grunts, blares, sand sparkles, the lithe woodwind seduces us, while the double bass and percussion add yet more colours to the picture. […] The Ring deserves more than the ten performances planned in the Netherlands. (Theaterkrant)
This is not simply a film with background music, or a concert accompanied by imagery. here, the video, the actors and the musicians are all equally prominent. And deservedly so, because they are all more than worthy of the attention they receive. […] In this case, the backstage work should be seen: this is true ‘Gesamtkunst’, a compound of artistic disciplines that Richard Wagner keenly advocated. (Cultuurbewust)